How to use the Human Managed platform: a quick start guide

  • Updated
Human Managed is the Intelligence Decision Action (IDEA) Platform for business that generates personalized intel and recommendations from any data. There are multiple applications that you can consume services from Human Managed. Depending on your organization's subscription and configuration, you will have access to one or more applications.  
This article is a quick start guide on how you can access the apps from HM. 

HM Apps

The HM Apps dashboard is a web app where you will find all the Human Managed apps you have access to. 

To open the HM Apps dashboard, go to and log in with your Human Managed user name (which is usually your work email address). 
Here you will find all the applications your organization has added to the HM platform. Clicking on any of these cards will take you to their respective web app pages.



From the sidebar, you can access, add, and sort your applications, and view notifications.
1. My apps
My apps is where you will find all the applications your organization has added to the HM platform
2. Add Section
If you would like to organize/sort your apps according to your preference, you may do so by adding sections. Any sections you have added will appear here.
3. Notification
Any notifications requiring action on your apps will appear here.
4. Add Apps

Search and Profile

You can use the search bar to find an application, or manage your profile by clicking on your username.

6. Search bar

Click the search bar to search your added applications on the Human Managed platform

7. Profile

Click your username to manage your account, set your app display preferences, view your recent activity, and more.

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